AO2 > Заглавная страница > Actual Page
- Argentum Online 2
- Login
- Create a new Account
- Quit
- To make an account in our servers
- type in your personal info and click continue
- Last name
- First name
- Username
- Password
- Confirm Password
- Primary e-mail address
- Secondary e-mail address
- Country
- Birth(year-month-day)
- Favorite game
- Cancel
- Continue
- Connecting to game server...
- Connection refused
- Connection established!!!
- Login successful!!!
- Charater's location acknowledged!!!
- Charater's index acknowledged!!!
- Setting up character's environment!!!
- Initiating login sequence...
- Online players:
- Creating account in the game server...
- Setting up the language...
- Username already exists, please choose another one.
- Invalid data, make sure that your username and password have at least 6 characters
- Account created successfully!
- Please insert your account info
- It was not possible to authenticate
- Make sure your account info is right
- Account management
- Create a character
- Use character
- Character creation
- Please make sure to choose a fantasy name for your character
- We'll not tolerate names with political, relgious and etnic
- connotations or any offensive allusion to the rest of players
- Character's name
- Race
- Human
- Elf
- Dark Elf
- Dwarf
- Gnome
- Dorkean
- Fighter
- Mage
- Cleric
- Druid
- Hunter
- Thief
- Assassin
- Pirate
- Ranger
- Bandit
- Blacksmith
- Carpenter
- Lumberjack
- Miner
- Fisher
- Merchant
- Farmer
- Paladin
- Profession
- Gender
- Male
- Female
- You cannot create more characters
- The character was created successfully
- Delete character
- Half Orc
- Half Ogre
- Half Elf
- Halfling
- You've striken to
- by
- has striken
- has striken
- has slayed
- The player is already dead!
- Deads cannot do that!
- You've been ressurrected!
- Creating object (
- Receiving basic stats (
- There is nothing to take there
- Checking up client version...
- Client version OK!!!!...
- Wrong client version, please download the latest client from our website
- You have raised a level
- You have gained
- Dexterity
- Strength
- Perception
- Constitution
- Intelligence
- Will Power
- Charisma
- Beauty
- Hit
- Stamina
- Points
- Experience Points
- Experience Points
- You are already using a weapon! Try to unequip it!
- You are already wearing something! Try to unequip it!
- You cannot carry more gold!
- You cannot drop an equiped object
- Level
- Character Points
- Hit Points
- Stamina Points
- Food
- Water
- Gold
- Increase attribute
- Decrease attribute
- Increase skill
- Decrease skill
- Acquire a skill
- Apply changes
- Cancel
- Unarmed Combat
- Martial Arts
- Kung Fu
- Karate
- Judo
- Are you sure? Once you confirm it there is no coming back.
- has missed!
- Armed Combat
- Melee Combat
- Range Combat
- Sword Fighting
- Short Weapons
- Axe Fighting
- Spear Fighting
- Miscelaneous Fighting
- Mace fighting
- Long Sword
- Two-Hande Sword
- Broad Sword
- Sword
- Dagger
- Knife
- War Axe
- Two-handed Axe
- War Spear
- Bow fighting
- Bow
- You are not good enough at